List of certified devices
On the following page we publish a list of certified devices that have been positively verified by Distribution System Operators (DSOs), who are also members of PTPiREE, in terms of having appropriate equipment certificates in the process of connecting power generation modules to the power grid.
The list includes, among others, the names of devices for which compliance with the requirements has been confirmed:
- Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631 of 14 April 2016 establishing a network code on requirements for grid connection of generators (NC RfG code), in the process of connecting power generation modules to the electricity grid
and with the document
- “Requirements of general application arising from Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631 of 14 April 2016 establishing a network code on requirements for grid connection of generators (NC RfG)”.
We would like to point out that at the connection stage, the DSO verifies compliance with current legal provisions by the generating unit planned to be connected, including the requirements contained (among others) in the “Regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment of May 31, 2023 on technical requirements, connection conditions and cooperation of micro-installations with the power system” and IRiESD, regarding e.g. communication, i.e. having an RS 485 port and supporting the SUNSPEC protocol.
Failure to meet the requirements may result in the DSO refusing to connect a given generating unit, despite its positive verification in terms of having the appropriate equipment certificates in the process of connecting power generation modules to the power grid.
We indicate that the certificate of conformity should be issued by a certification body competent to assess the given devices, accredited for compliance with the EN ISO/IEC 17065 standard.
We would like to inform you that if a non-compliance is confirmed in the submitted documents (also after the device has been entered into the list of certified devices), the devices to which the non-compliance relates will be deleted from the list of certified devices. From the date of deletion of a given device, the DSO may refuse to connect it to the network. Detailed information on the reasons for deletion of a given device can be obtained from the manufacturer or its authorized representative.
Guidelines for submitting documents confirming the compliance of generating devices to be included in the List of devices accepted maintained by PTPiREE.
In order to include the name of a device in the List of devices accepted maintained by PTPiREE, documents confirming that the device meets the requirements specified on the PTPiREE website must be sent to PTPiREE, using the following link:
- Certificates of conformity should be issued in Polish.
- In the case of bilingual certificates, one of the languages should be Polish.
- In the case of certificates issued in English, they should be provided together with their translation into Polish.
- Before submitting documents to PTPiREE, it is necessary to verify whether they meet the above requirements.
- PTPiREE does not verify draft certificates and they do not constitute a basis for inclusion in the PTPiREE list.
- Verification of submitted documents is carried out in the order of submission, within 14 business days.
Requirements for a document authenticating possession of a certificate confirming the device’s compliance with PTPiREE requirements
The document should be submitted in the following version:
- electronic– document signed with an electronic signature / trusted profile / personal signature, by a person authorized to act on behalf of the certification body (by virtue of registration documents, power of attorney, etc.)
- electronic or paper – a copy of a document signed by a person authorized to represent the certificate owner (by virtue of registration documents, power of attorney, etc.)
- hardcopy (paper)– original document (issued by the certification body), signed by a person authorized to act on behalf of the certification body (under registration documents, power of attorney, etc.)
- hardcopy (paper)– copy of original/duplicate (issued by the certification body) signed by a person authorized to act on behalf of the certification body (under registration documents, power of attorney, etc.)
- hardcopy (paper)– copy of a document signed by a person authorized to act on behalf of the certification body (under registration documents, power of attorney, etc.), certified by a notary practicing the profession in Poland
List of devices
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