Conditions and procedures for the use of certificates in the process of connecting power generation modules to power grids

Release date : 2024.10.01

Taking into account the proposals and comments received from market participants, appropriate changes were made to the provisions in the document Conditions and procedures for the use of certificates in the process of connecting power generation modules to power grids (WiPWC), which enters into force on 1 November 2024 (version 1.3).

The above document regulates the principles of using certificates in the process of connecting the following DSOs associated within PTPiREE to the network: ENEA Operator sp. z o. o., ENERGA-OPERATOR S.A., Stoen Operator Sp. z o. o., PGE Dystrybucja S.A., TAURON Dystrybucja S.A. in accordance with the requirements of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631 of 14 April 2016 establishing a network code on requirements for grid connection of generators (NC RfG code).

The document enters into force on 1 November 2024, while the mandatory application of its requirements begins on 1 January 2027.

Certificates that are included in the List of devices accepted on the date of entry into force of the “Conditions and Procedures for the Use of Certificates” document will be recognized no longer than until December 31, 2026.

In the period from 1 November 2024 to 31 December 2026, it is possible to present certificates issued on the basis of the principles defined in versions 1.2 and 1.3 of the “Conditions and Procedures for the Use of Certificates” document, provided that certificates issued during this period on the basis of version 1.2 of the document will be recognised no longer than until 31 December 2026.

Please note that the updated “Conditions and Procedures for the Use of Certificates” (WiPWC) document takes into account the issues included in the Bank of Settings for Poland, including the need to observe the requirements contained therein when conducting the certification process of manufacturing equipment.

Files to download:

The full version of the site is available at:

Technical Dialogue

Invitation to participate in a technical dialogue on updating the document “Conditions and procedures for the use of certificates in the process of connecting power generation modules to power grids” and implementing the “Bank of Settings for Poland”

Release date: 2024.03.27

We would like to inform you that Polish Power Transmission and Distribution Association (PTPiREE) is starting the process of updating the document entitled “Conditions and procedures for the use of certificates in the process of connecting power generation modules to power grids” and implementing the Banks of Setting for Poland, which are sets of protection criteria and parameters of the regulatory characteristics for inverters connected to the low and medium voltage distribution network (MWE – type A and B).

The process of updating the document “Conditions and procedures for the use of certificates in the process of connecting power generation modules to power grids” results from the experience gathered, questions and suggestions from market participants, in particular certification bodies and device manufacturers, as well as from the list of certified devices – available on the PTPiREE website.

The implementation of the Bank of Settings for Poland is a response to ensure required quality parameters of electricity.

We invite you to dialogue; for this purpose, please read the drafts of the above-mentioned documents and submit any comments or proposed changes on the attached forms by April 30, 2024, using the following address:

The consultation process will be conducted in Polish.

To facilitate the consultation process, the material regarding the Bank of Settings for Poland has been made available in English.

Files to download:

The full version of the site is available at:

Bank of settings for Poland

Release date: 2024.03.27

In view of the high growth of distributed generation and the tremendous dynamics of changes in generation capacity installed in the distribution network, especially low- and medium-voltage, and especially sources based on PV generation modules, it is not difficult to notice emerging problems both on the part of Distribution System Operators and on the part of Electricity System Users. These problems include primarily the high variability of voltage conditions in areas with particularly high saturation of PV installations.

Operators, concerned about the safety of users of the distribution system and the safety of devices connected to this system, take a number of actions to ensure the quality parameters of the supplied electricity required by Polish regulations.

The activities are focused on two aspects:

  • The first is the continuous development of the power system in such a way that it meets the current technical, quality and technological requirements. These requirements include, first of all, ensuring the continuity of electricity supply and meeting the technical and quality requirements for electricity, while improving the possibilities of access to this system for its potential users;

The implementation of this aspect means, above all, the continuous expansion of the network and care for its existing elements. These actions require huge and constant investments in network development, but also face a number of barriers that make their implementation difficult, e.g. obtaining consents and administrative decisions.

However, the main barrier is time. It is a long-term process, the effects of which are achieved over a multi-year horizon.

  • The second is the optimal use of existing resources, but also creating a market for new technologies in a way providing the Operator with appropriate tools for optimal configuration and regulation of network operating parameters.

This facilitates faster implementation of remedial measures and achieving measurable effects of the introduced changes.

There is currently no more dynamically changing environment than the environment of generating sources, especially those based on solar energy. This change is so significant that it may even result in a change in the direction of electrical power flow from the low-voltage to higher-voltage grids. Such a phenomenon was completely unimaginable just a few years ago.

It creates a large number of challenges for Distribution System Operators to ensure access, but also the ability to safely use new technologies. Its scale may be easily observed by
looking at immediate surroundings. Roofs of buildings or the surrounding fields indicate its actual size.

By closely observing phenomena related to the operation of a huge number of generating sources, while at the same time noticing problems with their operational impact on the power grid, but also problems related with maintaining their operation, especially during periods of the highest activity, Operators associated within Polish Power Transmission and Distribution Association (PTPiREE), together with leading research centres in Poland, analysed the operation of these sources in real conditions of the power system operation. Then, modelling actual conditions while taking into account development forecasts, they developed the so-called Banks of settings, which are a set of protection criteria and parameters for the regulatory characteristics of Power Generation Modules connected to the low and medium voltage distribution network. After implementation, these banks should quickly optimise the operation of these sources to limit the scale of their outages during peak solar radiation.

The implementation of new banks of settings will take place in stages:

  • The first stage is the mandatory implementation of all setting parameters covered by the bank before connecting the new source to the distribution network;
  • The second stage, which can be carried out in parallel with the first, is the exchange of settings in inverters cooperating with PV installations already connected to the grid. The implementation responsibility will mainly rest with the inverter manufacturers. They will definitely need understanding, support and cooperation of PV installation owners, who should be interested in the prospect of more stable cooperation of PV installations with the distribution network;
  • The third stage is the implementation of the bank of settings in the form of the so-called Bank of Settings for Poland. As a result, Manufacturers of inverters will need to implement the bank, which will be confirmed by a Certificate of Conformity;

Files for download:

The full version of the site is available at:

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