We operate in the area of legislation, where we strive to create new solutions and develop common positions on matters important for the electricity transmission and distribution subsector. In particular, we focus on new requirements for Distribution System Operators (DSOs) and Transmission System Operators (TSOs), resulting from the implementation of EU regulations into the Polish legal system.
We initiate and monitor work on new regulations regarding the activities of energy companies. We analyse and provide opinions on draft legal acts at every stage of work. We benefit from the status of a social organisation – PTPiREE operates on the basis of the Act – Law on Associations.
We focus primarily on:
- the Energy Law Act and implementing acts issued on its basis,
- regulations governing the location of infrastructure on land that does not belong to network companies,
- regulations on land planning and development and the restrictions resulting from them in the context of the location of power infrastructure,
- the Act on Renewable Energy Sources,
- regulations governing occupational health and safety at work with energy equipment,
- regulations governing energy efficiency and energy quality,
- all regulations relating to the activities of DSOs and TSOs, including those regulating the conduct of business activities, tax and procedural provisions.
We are actively involved in work on strategic government documents in the field of energy policy and the country’s energy security. We also monitor legislative initiatives of the European Union and present the Polish position through the European association EURELECTRIC and during consultations conducted by individual ministries.
Legislative work is carried out by representatives of DSOs and TSOs in the Council of Directors for Law.
In the area of tariffs, we focus on discussing tariff issues and developing common positions and opinions. We support close cooperation between DSO representatives and representatives of the Energy Regulatory Office. Activities in the area of tariffs are carried out by representatives of DSOs and TSOs in the Council of Directors for Tariffs.