As part of its information and educational activities, PTPiREE conducted a number of campaigns concerning the functioning of the energy sector in Poland.


Energy market

The nationwide educational campaign “Poland. It Works Better with Energy” focused on energy market and the role of power system operators. The campaign was carried out in 2014-2015 in cooperation with distribution system operators and the transmission system operator.

As part of the campaign, PTPiREE conducted a number of various activities aimed at individual customers, the media, landowners and decision-makers. The activities were carried out primarily to increase awareness of the role and effects of operators’ actions and the current challenges related to ensuring reliable transmission and distribution of electricity. The educational campaign presented the advantages of pursuing a long-term and stable regulatory policy and supporting network modernisation and investment by governmental organisations.


Smart electrical grids

The nationwide information and educational campaign entitled “Smart grids – for home, environment and economy” was carried out in 2013–2014 in cooperation with distribution system operators, the transmission system operator, the Energy Regulatory Office and the Energy Trading Association.

The campaign included a number of pro-environmental education activities in the field of rational and efficient use of electricity using modern solutions in the field of smart energy networks, with particular emphasis on smart metering.

Basic elements of the campaign included public opinion surveys, research and educational activities in demo buildings with installed smart meters, an educational campaign in the press, television and the Internet, distribution of information brochures, specialist training for meter installers and helpline employees, as well as nationwide conference and expert debates.

The project was co-financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.


Combating energy infrastructure theft

PTPiREE participated in the work of the Memorandum on cooperation in combating energy infrastructure theft and destruction, also within the framework of the Foundation established in December 2013, which is the executive body of the Memorandum.

The memorandum was signed in August 2012 on the initiative of the presidents of the Office of Electronic Communications, the Energy Regulatory Office and the Office of Rail Transport.

In addition to the representatives of PTPiREE, it was also joined by representatives of Orange SA, Netia SA, the National Chamber of Ethernet Communications, the Chamber of Commerce of Non-Ferrous Metals and Recycling, PKP PLK and the Association of Independent Railway Carriers.

The initiative received the support of the Chief Commander of the Police, who obliged the provincial police commanders to exercise special supervision over all matters related to theft and destruction of infrastructure.

Representatives of PTPiREE participated in the Memorandum Steering Committee and performed voluntary functions on the Foundation’s Management Board.

The activities of the Memorandum and the Foundation include the creation of a system for inter-industry exchange of information on theft – the Platform of Incidents of Theft and Devastation of Infrastructure (PIKiD), conducting a social campaign against theft and destruction of infrastructure, monitoring proposals for legal regulations and conducting work on draft amendments to existing provisions, e.g. the Penal Code, the Code of Petty Offences, the Act on Freedom of Economic Activity, the Act on Waste.


Safer with electricity

The nationwide educational programme “Safer with electricity” was implemented in 2002-2010 in cooperation with distribution system operators and the transmission system operator.

The programme aimed to raise awareness of the proper use of electrical devices among children and young people and to promote the safe and rational use of electricity.

The Programme included competitions for primary and secondary school students (art, literature and photography competitions), educational film screenings and special lectures on the principles of safe use of electricity and use of electrical devices, as well as competitions for teachers to prepare lesson plans on the safe and rational use of electricity.

As part of the Programme, many educational materials have been developed and distributed, including brochures, leaflets, educational supplements and a short animated educational film for children entitled “Safer with electricity”.


We care about your safety. You take care of it too

We supported the Enea Operator campaign regarding safety near energy infrastructure “We care about your safety. Take care of it too.” The project was launched on May 9, 2016 in Poznań. The Police and the Wielkopolska State Fire Service were also partners in the action. The inauguration featured the premiere of animated educational spots, competitions for students, as well as safety shows and classes conducted by firefighters, rescuers and Enea volunteers. The idea of the information campaign “We care about your safety. Take care of it too” was to show both children and adults what not to do and what to avoid near the power infrastructure.

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