We organise a number of events every year, including conferences, seminars, on-site training and online events. Most of them are designed to meet the needs of Distribution System Operators; companies trading in electricity and suppliers of technologies, devices and solutions for the professional power industry also participate in them.
Find detailed information about all our current training courses and conferences in the “Events” section.
Contact our employees of the Training Activities Area:
- Karolina Nowińska, tel.: +48 61 846-02-15, 609 223 890, e-mail: nowinska@ptpiree.pl
- Sebastian Brzozowski, tel.: +48 61 846-02-31, 601-386-475, e-mail: brzozowski@ptpiree.pl
- Kasper Teszner, tel. +48 61 846-02-10, mobile phone no. 502-861-184, e-mail: teszner.k@ptpiree.pl