Notice regarding the conditions of the connection process

Distribution System Operators and Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (Polish Power Grids – PSE) associated within Polish Power Transmission and Distribution Association (PTPiREE) hereby inform that in connection with:

  • agreement on the Development Plan for meeting the current and future demand for electricity for PSE SA for 2023-2032 by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE President),
  • the ongoing process of agreeing on the draft Development Plans submitted by the Operators to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office in the scope of meeting the current and future demand for electricity for the years 2023-2028,
  • signing the Charter for the Effective Transformation of Distribution Networks of the Polish Energy Sector by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office and the five largest Distribution System Operators in Poland on November 7, 2022
  • increasing the observability of the network operation and improving the methods of forecasting the generation of RES sources, and thus increasing the possibilities of counteracting threats to the network operation,
  • implementation of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 of 2 August 2017 establishing guidelines for the operation of the electricity transmission system and Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631 of 14 April 2016 establishing a network code on requirements for grid connection of generators,

the above considerations will be taken into account during the connection process, in the scope of applications for connection to the high and extra high voltage networks, submitted from 02.01.2023.​

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