New rules for providing telecommunications companies with access to electricity infrastructure

Power Distribution System Operators are starting to apply new conditions for providing telecommunications entrepreneurs with access to power poles, resulting from the decision of the President of the Office of Electronic Communications.

The President of the UKE, by decisions of 12 February this year (issued pursuant to the Act of 7 May 2010 on supporting the development of telecommunications services and networks), specified the conditions for providing access to technical infrastructure in the scope of low and medium voltage power lines to the five largest Distribution System Operators (DSOs): Enea Operator Sp. z o.o., ENERGA-OPERATOR SA, innogy Stoen Operator Sp. z o.o., PGE Dystrybucja SA and Tauron Dystrybucja SA.

The deadline for implementing the new rules for each DSO results from the time of delivery of the decision. In the case of four DSOs, the decisions came into effect on 23 May this year, while for ENERGA – OPERATOR SA this deadline will expire on 6 June this year.

When preparing for the application of the above-mentioned decisions, the operators developed a template of a framework agreement with annexes reflecting the access conditions specified in the decisions, and consulted these documents with the President of the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE).

Document templates are available for download:​

The full version of the site is available at:

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