Polish Power Transmission and Distribution Association (PTPiREE) is an association of power distribution system operators and energy industry employees. Since 1990, PTPiREE has been working to implement new solutions in the energy sector, striving to improve the efficiency of the POWER network, the quality of services and customer service. Work within PTPiREE is carried out in committees and working groups, with the active participation of representatives of energy companies.
We act on behalf of the Companies – Supporting Members, coordinate their joint ventures, and provide expert and legal support. Our goal is the sustainable development of the energy network and its adaptation to new challenges related to market requirements and customer expectations.
Structure of PTPiREE

Statute of PTPiREE
How to join us?
Please download, complete and return the membership declaration:
- supporting member declaration (doc)
- supporting member declaration (pdf)
- ordinary member declaration (doc)
- ordinary member declaration (pdf)
- annex to the ordinary member declaration – consent to the processing of personal data (pdf)
The documents are not to be translated into English at this stage.